Summary of Events: Dec. 26, 2016 - Mar. 29, 2017
December 26, 2016, www.projectbreakthecycle.com was launched for the first time. Over the past three months, over 2,000 people have accessed our website to learn more about the cycle of childhood poverty, help support us, or even both. It’s a privilege to have the support of over 2,000 individuals within the first three months of our founding.
On February 5, 2017, we launched the first part of our charity clothing line where 100% of profits went directly to our Orphan Children Scholarship Fund, in partnership with the Home of Tripoli for Social Welfare. Part 1 included a hooded sweatshirt with a unique cherry blossom embroidery, crafted from premium cotton and soft inner linings. In addition, the cherry blossom embroidery on the upper chest held great significance. Not only was it a beautiful piece of nature, but it also represented fragility as it blooms for approximately only 14 days in the entire year. Just like the blossoming, we must never take our lives for granted. Many are living in conditions far worse than us, and it’s our duty to make the world a better place.
Not only did we launch a clothing line, but we also worked with businesses to establish relationships that would help us along our mission. Although we officially launched only three months ago, PBTC still has work to do. However, we were able to work with Amazon and integrate our organization into their Amazon Smile program. If you shop on Amazon.com, be sure to take a look at our Corporate Relations page and sign up for free! A portion of your purchases can go directly to Project Break The Cycle at no extra cost every time you purchase something! Setup takes only 1-2 minutes. You can learn about our other corporate relationships on our Corporate Relations page.
Together, as of March 29, 2017, we have raised $2,128.81 for our campaign in partnership with the Home of Tripoli for Social Welfare. These funds will directly go towards providing resources for the children of HTSW, including private education, books, school supplies, and more. This was all possible with your help - so please keep supporting our shared goals!